Ems Air Flow ®And Guided Biofilm Therapy
The 21st Century way to provide Preventive Oral Health Care is EMS Air Flow.

A beautiful…
…can light up a room

Heavy Staining –

Heavy Staining –

Light Staining –

Light Staining –
Help your smile be as bright as it can be with Air Flow® oral cleansing therapy.

Heavy Staining – Before

Heavy Staining –
EMS Air Flow ® uses a fine spray of warmed water & Erythritol PLUS powder to gently deep clean the tooth surface above and below the gum line. This minimally invasive technology is safe to use on all oral surfaces and difficult to reach places. This includes the enamel, dentine, soft tissues, restorations, and orthodontic appliances & implants.
Erythritol PLUS powder has the finest particle size (14microns) used in dentistry, much finer than the paste used to polish your teeth. The powder is more thorough, comfortable and gentler on tooth surfaces than traditional methods. With this is mind, this results in less bleeding & sensitivity.
“When I first heard about Guided Biofilm Therapy and Air Flow ® treatments it was a light bulb moment. This is the biggest change in hygiene & periodontal care for decades and I wanted to be able to offer it.” said Dr. Vincent McClane
The Swiss-made EMS Air Flow ® Prophylaxis Master is the best engineered Air Flow ® device available.
“Investing in this has meant investing in the future of excellent oral care”.
Guided Biofilm Therapy is a multi-phase process. These are the subsequent steps after a referral by your dentist:
At McClane Dentistry in Stuart Florida, we will first complete a comprehensive dental assessment to identify any areas of concern.
A colored dye is than applied to your teeth to see where biofilm is present.
We will discuss your brushing and cleaning techniques, your diet and other factors that may be putting your oral health at risk.
We will then begin removing the biofilm, stain & soft scale using EMS Air Flow ®. Although there will not be direct contact with your teeth, you may feel light sensations from the air and warm water.
* You can elect for a Direct Access appointment with Barbara if you are not a regular patient at Welshmill Dental Practice (appointments are limited).